Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Learning Agreement - Updated Draft


My research project will look into the many aspects of affordable housing from the evolution and typologies to perceptions and opportunities. Using Singapore’s Housing Development Board as a case study, this research will explore the role of Singapore’s Housing Development Board and how it has evolved in keeping up with different needs and rising aspiration. This research will also investigate on sustainable housing and how affordable housing can also be sustainable with reference to HDB's first Eco-Precinct, Treelodge@Punggol as a case study. The research will then discuss on how sustainable, affordable housings can be achieved through rehabilitation or adaptable buildings with reference to Ironhorse, a sustainably-built affordable housing in Oakland, California. Ultimately, this research will investigate how all these strategies can be applied in the context of Malaysia.



Chapter 1 – Introduction

In recent years, sustainable development has become a goal for all governments seeking to balance the health of the environment with the health of the economy. Designing state of the art buildings which utilise energy efficient features and materials is the predominant vision of a sustainable built environment. However in Malaysia, these green features are usually seen in commercial buildings and high-end housings such as Malaysian Energy Commission Headquarter, the Diamond Building and The Glades by Sime Darby, but they are rarely found in low-cost housings? The issue of providing green features and making them affordable to every Malaysia’s home owners, particularly the low income groups are not taken into consideration in the urban planning. Instead only those who are wealthy are entitled to these features where in fact sustainable housing should be affordable for the whole spectrum of incomes as it promotes economic development, environmental stewardship, quality of life and social equality.

This research project will look into the many aspects of affordable housing from the evolution and typologies to perceptions and opportunities. Using Singapore’s Housing Development Board as a case study, this research will explore the role of Singapore’s Housing Development Board and how it has evolved in keeping up with different needs and rising aspiration. This research will also investigate on sustainable housing and how affordable housing can also be sustainable with reference to HDB's first Eco-Precinct, Treelodge@Punggol as a case study. The research will then discuss on how sustainable, affordable housings can be achieved through rehabilitation or adaptable buildings with reference to Ironhorse, a sustainably-built affordable housing in Oakland, California. Ultimately, this research will investigate how all these strategies can be applied in the context of Malaysia.

Chapter 2 – Affordable Housing
·         Introduction & Overviews of Affordable Housing
o    housing deemed affordable to those with a median household income
o    housing that is, "...reasonably adequate in standard and location for lower or middle income households and does not cost so much that a household is unlikely to be able to meet other basic needs on a sustainable basis"
·         Evolution of Affordable Housing
·         Affordable Housing in Malaysia

Chapter 3 –Sustainable Housing
§  Introduction & Overviews of Sustainable Housing
o    Often associated with wealth and affluence
o    Genuinely sustainable housing are those that are inclusive and affordable to all
§  Sustainability of Housing
o    Environmental
o    Economic
o    Social & Cultural

Chapter 4 – Sustainable & Affordable Housing in Singapore
·         Overview on Housing Development Board (HDB) of Singapore
·         Role of HDB
o    Developing Vibrant Towns
o    Providing Affordable Homes
o    Creating a Cohesive Communities
·         Evolution of HDB Towns & Flats
·         Sustainable Housing in Singapore

Chapter 5 – Case Study of Sustainably-Built Affordable Housing in Singapore
·         Punggol Eco Town
o    Background/history
§  Singapore's first large-scale experiment to make public housing eco-friendly
§  To promote the concept of 'Green Living by the Waters' in Punggol, natural elements like the wind, sun and rain will be tapped on in the future planning and design of Punggol town. More environmentally friendly buildings with higher Green Mark ratings for developments along the waterway will be built.
§  Treelodge@Punggol - Singapore's first public housing blocks built to be environmentally sustainable
o    Building Analysis – Treelodge@Punggol
§  comprised of seven 16-story towers arranged around an “eco-deck” community garden area
§  utilizes green technologies including solar panels, roof gardens and grey water recycling systems for effective energy, water and waste management 
·         Waterway@Punggol

             Chapter 6 – Affordable Housing through Rehabilitation
·         Adaptive Reuse & Adaptable Buildings
·         Sustainable Housing Development
·         Case Study – IronHorse, California
o    Background/history
§  Used to be an abandoned former industrial land
§  GreenPoint Rated affordable family housing developed by BRIDGE Housing
§  A part of the emerging Central Station district anchored by Oakland's historic original train station.
o    Building Analysis
§  sustainably built one, two, and three bedroom apartments
§  feature vegetated green roofs, solar hot water panels, solar panels to provide electricity in common areas, CRI Green Label Plus carpets, vegetated swales to capture rainwater, a high-efficiency drip irrigation system, and outdoor furniture, benches, and seat walls made with 100% recycled materials.

Chapter 7 – Conclusion 

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